Stata programme
Stata programme

Kazakhstan was the first of the CIS-countries to start realization of such scaled project. The State program “Cultural heritage” became the basic document in the sphere of development of spiritual and educational activity, providing of preservation and effective use of cultural heritage of the state.

stata programme stata programme

Later there were worked out another two stages of the program: 2007- 20- 2011. The realization of the program was started in 2004 and supposed for two years.

#Stata programme full#

The program considers creation of the whole system for studying the cultural heritage as well as the creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs reconstruction of significant historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the country generalization of centuries-old experience of national literature and writing, creating a detailed artistic and scientific series the creation of the state language of the full fund of humanitarian education based on the best achievements of world scientific thought, culture and literature. The program considers creation of the whole system for studying the cultural heritage as well as the creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs The state program «Cultural Heritage» was launched by the initiative of N. The state program «Cultural Heritage» was launched by the initiative of N. It is by means of culture and traditions that nation becomes famous» Civilized people is proud of its history, development of culture, great people that brought fame to the state and made a great contribution in the golden fund of world achievements of thoughts and art. «Culture is the reflection of nation, its soul, intelligence and nobility.

stata programme

It is one of the main objectives of the program «Cultural Heritage» - said the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. We must show the greatness of steppe civilization to the world. «There is no Egyptian pyramids and Roman Coliseum in our country, but the role of nomads, who lived in the ancient territory of Kazakhstan, is invaluable not only in Eurasia, but also for the history of the world.

Stata programme